About Us
Our Mission
Charity Games is a community of developers, designers, artists, musicians, and gamers united by a common goal: using the power of gaming to create a positive impact on the world.
Charity Games has built an online arcade dedicated to creating fun and free browser games that help support charitable causes. We believe that everyone should have access to clean water. We also believe that everyone should have access to fun games. We combine these two ideas to create a platform that allows you to play fun games while also helping people in need. Every game you play on our platform generates water for people in need. We currently support Water.Org as our charity of choice. Read more about our current donation campaign here.
If you have a charity you would like to see us support, please contact us.
The Team
Taki is a 7 year old Yorkie who is currently working as the interim Charity Games CEO. Before coming to Charity Games, Taki served as Chief Financial Officer of Luna Cosmetics and Director of Enterprise Customer Success at Patty's Creations. He enjoys spending his working days sitting with Miguel as they work on charity games. He is very passionate about his meal choices, he prefers to eat chicken and salmon over anything else. On his free time Taki enjoys walking outside with Miguel, sleeping on Miguel's bed, and cuddling with Miguel.
Time is the moving image of the unmoving eternity.
- Plato
Miguel is currently a software engineer at P0 Security and a graduate from San Diego State University. He is passionate about creating software that makes the world a better place. He is currently developing Charity.Games on his free time. Before working at P0 Security, he worked at:
Individually, we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean.
- Ryunosuke Satoro
Esbeidy recently graduated from the University of California, San Diego with a BS in business economics and is currently working as a business support intern for Outsiders Branding. She is passionate about project success and has a genuine commitment to fostering the success of individuals which was evident during her voluntary work with her sorority Delta Delta Delta where she served as Vice President of Operations. She hopes to find full time professional work as a Customer Success Specialist or as a Business support specialist. On her free time Esbeidy also enjoys rock climbing, going to the gym, watching criminal minds and hanging out with her friends.
No, I'm not giving you a quote. Don't put me on your website.
- Esbeidy Campos